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domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009


Welcome to the end of
the line
you must feel the way I feel now.
It's driving me crazy
Oh, it gets to you
and then you finally get it
it's the end.

ok, it was the right thing to do
but what do I do with me now
where do I keep my feelings
why should I get rid of them
please, won't somebody hold me
for being honest
and now alone.

I wish things could be easier
I wish we didn't have to lose
in order to win
I wish we came with instructions
so we wouldn't screw up so many times
over and over again.
Forgive me, baby.

sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2009

Pecado Inefável
Música e Letra: Jey

eu não sei o que dizer
quando mais se deseja dizer
é quando as palavras aprendem a se desfazer
não posso falar
correr o risco de inventar
soprar ao vento,

então me diz o que fazer
não se pode subverter
e o poder?

tentar é voar
pecar é arriscar
ou contrariar

não se sabe ao certo o porquê
de uma pessoa não saber o que dizer...

e ter tanto a viver.

quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2009

Are you a coward?

Don't go.
I want you to stay here with me
Look into my eyes
and tell me what you see.
Am I who you think I am?
Kiss me.
Will you ever believe me?
Will I ever forgive myself
if you seem not to forget?
I wonder if I have forgotten.
It should be easier.
We're selfish
We long for love
When we find it
We run away from it.

I believe we're looking for satisfaction
and attraction may win over passion.

If there's love...
Just be true to yourself.